This study was carried out on sustainable tourism as a driving tool to cultural heritage site development using Osun-Osogbo Sacred Groves, Osun State, Nigeria as a case study. Specifically, the study was aimed at ascertaining how tourism help in developing heritage sites, identifying the state of some cultural heritage sites in Nigeria and to elucidate the challenges of sustainable tourism in Nigeria. The study employed the survey descriptive research design. A total of 100 responses were validated from the survey. From the responses obtained and analysed, the findings revealed that sustainable tourism can benefit in the development of cultural heritage sites in Nigeria. The findings also revealed that cultural sites in Nigeria are lowly developed. The findings further revealed that Lack of awareness about tourism and conservation, Poor tourism culture, Corruption, Poor global image, Lack of infrastructures, High level of insecurity, Insufficient facilities in eco-destination, Under-funding, Poor road network are amongst the challenges of sustainable tourism in Nigeria. The study recommend the government of Nigeria should endeavor to put measures in place to sustain the tourism industry since its a driving tool to cultural heritage site development in the country. More so, the government of Nigeria should work on the challenges militating against sustainable tourism in Nigeria so as to keep the industry alive.